Goldfishbowl Eyes is a Greasy Pigs song written in 1991 by Tam & me. It’s one of my favorites. This version I recorded for the Pennabilli Artisti in Piazza CD from 2004.
The first line of the song, “I’ve got Jesus in my guitar case”, came from when I was busking in Prague in 1989 and when I looked in the case at the
money there was a huge marble head of Jesus that somebody must’ve stolen from a church. I’ve even got a photo of the moment. I left the head where I found it though. Bad karma. It was a banjo case, not a guitar case. Artistic license.
The song is in three parts. I play all the instruments with no electronic sounds. It starts with a trumpet slowed down 2 octaves so that it sounds like a trombone. Then a three part harmony of horns comes in for the bluesy intro part. The middle part has me playing guitar, banjo, trumpet, upright bass, drums, one normal vocal track and one with a megaphone. For the ska bit at the end piece I get out the ukulele and electric guitar and bring in the horn section and three back up vocals.